Today is a lucky day for me, I got a free Google TV from Google for developing web applications for it. This is the first time I’ve played with the Google TV. The set up process of the Google TV takes about 15 mins, including set up the wireless network, a TV source and set up the Logitech Revue controller to be a TV remote. The process takes longer than setting up the Apple TV because as you might already know, the Google TV connects to your TV source also. However, I’m not gonna talk about that feature, but I’ll talk about the internet and app capabilities in Google TV. But before everything, I should tell you that I’m writing this blog on the Logitech Revue controller (which is essentially a keyboard with a trackpad plus some special Android-specific buttons). The Chrome web browser on the Google TV works pretty well, however, even though Google always promote Flash (Adobe Flash) on their mobile platform, I found that it performs very slowly. I found that navigating around the bro...